- 52cm x45cm x27cm
Min Order200 piece
Oxalic Acid Vaporizer Bee Fogger
Weight: 1,850 grams
Length: 470mm
Height : 300mm
Width: 150mm
Oxalic Acid Vaporizer Bee Fogger for Varroa Mite Control
Weight: 1,850 grams
Length: 470mm
Height : 300mm
Width: 150mm
Productivity: 100 colonies every 25 minutes
IT HAS A REMOVABLE NOZZLE, UPDATED HEATING SYSTEM AND FINE PARTS FILTER. The most effective and convenient tool for Varroa mites management. It is used in the fumigation method of beehives and thus with the evaporation of the solution the bees are getting necessary treatment components.
How it work?
The treatment solution is well evaporated by the fogger without forming any crystals. It is heated in the coil and comes out as a dense white fog. Those droplets are very fine around about 15-18 micron size, it doesn't hurt the bees. It causes the bees to groom themselves and in that process, the very fine droplets block the breathing spiracles on the Varroa mites. The bees will actively circulate the fog all throughout the hive, which significantly increases the efficiency of using Varomorus Fogger. Varomorus became particularly useful for the owners of organic beekeeping. So, using it with clean environmental products (oxalic acid, thymol, etc.), you can effectively deal with varroa mites without using any chemicals. It saves time and gives high-quality treatment.